2012年5月29日 星期二

About the article-Maggie : A Girl of the Streets

 In this article, Maggie and her brother Jimmie, live in a  world full of degradation and violence. 
Their father is an alcoholic and their mother, Mary always scolds them when she is unhappy. 
Since their parents don't take any responsibility and duty for them, Jimmie become violent and vicious while he grows up.
Their living environment influence them deeply and lead them to totally   different future.

Maggie, wants to escape from their home and then decides to live with her boyfriend, Pete, together. 
Since Maggie's poor family background, Pete is convinced to leave Maggie. 
Finally, Maggie has no place to go. She is rejected by her mom and abandoned by Pete. Therefore, she becomes a prostitute and die soon in the end. 

This story reveals that Maggie's any  decision may lead her to different consequences. If she didn't leave home, or if she didn't fall in love Pete, maybe her life will totally be different. 
However, since it's a story  about the Realism. Human's decision and living environment determine their fate. 
In this story, Maggie's whole life is a misery but it really show that how the environment affect her and sway her fate. 

